Evan Cortens, Ph.D.

Evan Cortens is the Dean of Continuing Education at Mount Royal University. He has formerly served as Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Manager of Academic Initiatives and an Institutional Analyst at the same institution. Before coming to MRU, Evan worked as the Manager of Business Development, Associate Editor and Senior Researcher at the Academica Group in London, Ontario.
Evan holds a PhD in Musicology from Cornell University (2014), with a focus on eighteenth-century German music. His dissertation, entitled “The Sacred Cantatas of Christoph Graupner: Music at the Intersection of Opera and Theology,” examines the cultural and historical context of the sacred works by this contemporary of J. S. Bach. Evan also holds degrees in musicology from the University of Calgary (2006) and Boston University (2008). He spent the summer of 2012 conducting archival research in Darmstadt, Germany supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and in 2013, attended the inaugural Studienkolleg at the Mozarteum, in Salzburg, Austria.
He has published in Bach: The Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute, Eighteenth-Century Music, Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, Haydn: The Journal of the Haydn Society of North America and the Newsletter of the Society for Eighteenth-Century Music. His edition of Johann Samuel Schroeter’s Six Keyboard Concertos, op. 3 was published by A-R Editions in 2013 and his edition of C. P. E. Bach’s Passion according to St. Mark (1782) was published by the C. P. E. Bach: Complete Works Edition in 2020.
In 2011–12, Evan served as the President of the Cornell Graduate and Professional Student Assembly. In Spring 2013, he was privileged to teach at the Auburn State Correctional Facility as part of Cornell’s Prison Education Program. From January 2014 to April 2015, he held the title of Assistant Professor (Part-Time) in the Don Wright Faculty of Music at the University of Western Ontario.
Evan is the Secretary-Treasurer for the Society for Eighteenth-Century Music, the Web Editor for the American Bach Society and the Treasurer for Spiritus Chamber Choir.
Evan’s research focuses on the music of the long eighteenth century. In addition to his work on the sacred cantatas of Christoph Graupner, he has also published on the music of J. S. Bach, Johann Samuel Schroeter, Joseph Haydn, and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.
For a complete list of publications, see Evan’s profile at Google Scholar.
Evan works in the R programming language, which is designed primarily for statistical computing. He has developed several pieces of software for internal use, and has also contributed to many R packages. As well, he works as a freelance web designer and programmer for a small number of private clients.
Email: evan.cortens [at] gmail.com